Let's Get Started
Are you tossing and turning at night only to struggle through the day, feeling exhausted, irritable, and emotional? Is your productivity and ability to function suffering? If you haven’t yet completed the self-assessment questions, please do so HERE.
It’s not all in your head!
Our bodies’ sleep regulation systems can become disrupted, causing short-term insomnia to become long-term. Over the course of several weeks (5-8 sessions) with my CBT-I service, you’ll have the tools and strategies that can help you reverse the vicious cycle.
Our bodies’ sleep regulation systems can become disrupted, causing short-term insomnia to become long-term.
Over the course of several weeks (5-8 sessions) with my CBT-I service, you’ll have the tools and strategies that can help you reverse the vicious cycle.
Research has found that:
people who completed group CBT-I had better outcomes than those who re-used sleep medication – even 10 years later. Let’s get you started with one of the options below.