Free initial 15-minute telephone consult
Individual CBT-I is considered the gold standard in insomnia treatment. One on one sessions give you the best support and recommendations based on your individual history of sleep and insomnia.
Before booking your free 15-minute phone consultation, and to help us make the best use of our time together, please confirm the following:
1. I am aware that this appointment is for me to learn more about one-on-one online sessions of cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT-I). (More information about the immediately accessible, lower cost options can be found at: self-guided online program (available worldwide) or 6-week therapist-guided digital CBT-I.
2. I am living in one of the following provinces:
British Columbia
Newfoundland and Labrador
Northwest Territories | Nunavut
3. I am aware of the fees (and IF applicable, have confirmed with my extended health benefits program that they will reimburse me for the online services of a Registered Clinical Counsellor.)
Click here to confirm all 3 of the above apply to you and to book your free phone consultation.
Congratulations on taking the first step to recovering from insomnia and reclaiming your quality of life! I look forward to talking with you soon.
Research finds the average cost of chronic insomnia is $5,000 per year per person.
Whether you have insurance coverage or not, I aim to make this the best investment of your life!